SPORTS BETTING Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I place a bet?
Sports bets can be placed at one of the DraftKings Wagering Kiosks located on the gaming floor or at the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Wagering Station.

What are the hours that I can place a bet?
Bets can be placed at any wagering kiosk 24 hours a day. Over-the-counter bets can be placed between 7AM - 5AM Friday - Sunday and 10AM - midnight Monday - Thursday.

Can I earn Club points for sports betting?
No, you cannot earn Club points through sports betting.

What if I want to place a bet with assistance?
Betting assistance is available at the OTC Wagering Station only.

Can I make a bet directly from a winning ticket?
Yes, winning sports betting tickets can be redeemed at a wagering kiosk to place more bets.  Any remaining funds balance on a kiosk may be printed as a cash voucher and redeemed at the OTC Wagering Station.

Can I change my picks after a bet is made?
No, all bets placed are final. It is the guest’s responsibility to confirm their bets at the kiosk or OTC wagering station prior to the completion of a transaction.

How much can I bet at a kiosk?
Guests can wager $1.00 up to $2,999 at a wagering kiosk.

How much can I wager at the OTC wagering station?
The maximum wager shall be an amount that ensures the maximum winning wager does not exceed $500,000. This may vary depending on game/event and wager type.

Can I download a wager from my DK app to the kiosk?
No, the DK app is not compatible with our sports betting platform. You can however visit to access the “Build A Bet” feature which will allow you to build your bet using your smartphone. You will receive a QR code that you can then scan on the kiosk.

How can I check to see if my bet won?
Sports betting tickets will have a QR Code that can be scanned by smartphone. The ticket will populate and tell the guest one of four options: LOSS, WIN, LIVE or CANCELLED

Where can I redeem my winning ticket or my voucher for cash?
Winning Tickets and Sports Betting Vouchers may only redeemed for cash at the OTC Wagering Station.

How long before my ticket expires?
Winning tickets expire 365 days from the date of the event results.

Do I have to claim my winning in person?
Winning tickets and vouchers may be redeemed in person or via the U.S. mail. Guests must follow the mail-in instructions located on the back of the sports betting ticket in order to redeem via mail.

Can I change my bet after I paid?
You can not change an existing bet. You would have to place a new bet.